Robotics Engineering and Automation System (English Program)
Department of Production and Robotics Engineering
Tel. +66 2555-2000 ext. 8217, 8218
Fax: +66 2587-0029
Bachelor of Engineering Program in Robotic Engineering and Automation System (English Program)

The results of the industrial survey in Thailand many years ago showed that most industries in Thailand did not have enough engineers. KMUTNB had tried to alleviate this problem by setting up the production engineering curriculum with assistance from German Government through the engineering development project. The German Government provided the equipment, machines, tools, technical books and documents as well as scholarships. The project started in October 1981. As the production engineering division in the mechanical engineering department was founded, mechanical engineering students who finished their second year could choose to study in the production engineering field. The Department of Production Engineering was officially founded in October 1984 and graduated its first production engineering students in 1989. In 1992, with the assistance of German Government the department started its master program. The educational philosophy of KMUTNB emphasizes on increasing productivity in industries. Therefore, the curriculum of the production engineering department follows the program offered in European countries, as it emphasizes on production processes, machine tools, materials science, and measurement. Furthermore, it also emphasizes on production planning and management.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Production Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Robotic Engineerning and Automation System (English Program)
- Master of Engineering in Production Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy in Production Engineeirng
Expected Learning Outcome
- To produce engineers who understand manufacturing processes and engineering principle to solve problems, design, and develop equipment and machines.
- To conduct research and development in the field of production engineering suitable to Thai economy, society, and available technology.
Career Prospects
Graduated students from this program can be able to work as:
- Engineer or consultant in the field of manufacturing processes
- Engineer of consultant in the field of production planning and management
- Engineer of consultant in the field of materials science.
- Academia and Researcher
Bachelor of Engineering Program in Robotic Engineering and Automation System
(English Program)
The robotic engineering and automation system is a program integrating multidisciplinary engineering knowledge such mechanical, electrical and computer engineering for creating several different types of robots that are used to perform a variety of different tasks. The students will spend the majority of time designing and making the robots, controlling them by using electronic circuits, and coding the program to control the movement of robots. The knowledge and practical skills learned from this program can be applied for production, agriculture, and any kind of service in order to increase production efficiency by using industrial robots and automation system. In addition, RE students can get an opportunity to work and research in the robotics laboratory at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Expected Learning Outcome
- 1. To produce engineers with knowledge and practical skills in robotics and automation system working for industries in order to turn the traditional machine tools into automated working machines.
- 2. To cultivate engineers having creativity, and they can apply engineering knowledge to improve the production process more effectiveness
- 3. To be able to conduct research and develop new technology in terms of robotics and automation system, or any technology used in manufacturing due to nation’s requirements.